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Supporting the professional learning of teachers and school leaders at all levels of the profession.National Professional Qualifications

Register now for to start in February 2024! Closing date 18th January!

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.Early Careers Framework

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Working in partnership with Barnsley Schools Alliance to provide local professional development. Continual Professional Development (CPD)

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Inspiring tomorrow’s teachers todayExchange Teacher Training

APPLY opens early October 2024 for programmes starting in September 2025!

  • Unit 5, Great Cliffe Court, Dodworth, Barnsley, S75 3SP


Tykes Teaching Alliance will endeavour to continue to help support and lead a sector led system of school improvement with a view to ensure that the children of Barnsley and beyond receive an outstanding education.

We will achieve this by:

  • Ensuring that all young people within our schools are awarded with the best possible opportunities and support to achieve their full potential.
  • Creating a collaborative approach to a self-sustaining school led system based on honesty and trust.
  • Hosting a pathway for teachers and our school community from pre-qualification to system leadership that will provide personalised continuous professional development (CPD) and learning opportunities.
  • Offering all school-based professionals CPD with a collaborative learning focus and joint practice development.
  • Providing opportunities, both individually and collectively, for leadership development within the alliance in order to create a sustainable approach to succession planning.
  • Enabling all staff to enjoy their chosen careers and to grow and develop in a nurturing, caring environment.

Together, Barnsley schools become part of something more…

More info

Train to Teach

Exchange Teacher Training is a DfE-accredited provider of Initial Teacher Training (ITT) in England.

We are founded upon a well-established partnership of credible organisations in Yorkshire and the Humber, Northeast Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire and Lincolnshire, and the North East. Together, we are committed to the importance of ‘exchange’; sharing our knowledge, skills and expertise generously for the benefit of young people in our communities. We strive to drive achievement, address disadvantage and raise the aspirations of the children we serve.

Our initial teacher training is rooted in local, credible schools. You will be immersed in classroom practice from the very start, but you will not be alone. Your mentor will oversee your learning journey along with the lead mentor, subject lead and a dedicated central team, all devoted to ensuring your success on our programme. At weekly centre-based training, you and your peers will engage with the most recent and rigorous educational research and explore what great teachers know and do. We will support you to build professional friendships during your training will last a lifetime.

Visions & Values
We believe that every child in every school has a right to high-quality teaching.

Too many pupils in the North of England do not achieve well in school. Disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils lag behind their peers at primary with the gap widening at secondary.  The relationship between parental wealth and background, and children’s educational outcomes is particularly strong. Teaching is the profession that can break that link. The future economic prosperity of our communities is inextricably linked to children’s aspirations and the quality of education.

Ambitious Curriculum
Our pioneering curriculum is informed by leading national and international academics and informed by the deep practical wisdom of local practioners.

Developed in partnership with Professor Stuart Kime, our curriculum will equip you with the knowledge, skills and behaviours you need to become a great teacher. It prioritises the elements of the Model For Great Teaching (Great Teaching Toolkit: An Evidence Review, Evidence Based Education, 2020), the most recent full-scale evidence review of what makes great teaching.

We frame our curriculum around five big questions;

  1. What do great teachers know and understand about subject content and pedagogy?
  2. How do great teachers create a supportive learning environment?
  3. How do great teachers maximise every opportunity for learning?
  4. How do great teachers activate hard thinking?
  5. How do great teachers demonstrate inclusive professional behaviours?
Training Facilities
The Education Exchange Conference Centre

Many of your core and subject training sessions, including conference days, will take place at The Education Exchange, a large campus-style facility situated in Knottingley, with excellent road links to the M62 and M1 and within walking distance of Knottingley train station. With free parking, our centre is equipped with the latest technology, including free Wi-Fi and video conferencing.

Our impressive auditorium provides the opportunity for you to learn together with national and local experts, with accompanying breakout rooms providing space for smaller groups and tutorials.

Onsite you will find a welcoming café (open Monday to Friday) with indoor and outdoor seating. We serve barista-style coffees along with a range of food options, including jacket potatoes, soups, toasted sandwiches and snacks (surcharges apply). The café caters to a variety of dietary needs and preferences.

Our Exchange Teacher Training central team will be located upstairs in the conference centre.

How to Apply
Apply for your initial teacher training programme with Exchange Teacher Training now.

The Get into Teaching website provides some useful tips on completing your application, including writing your teacher training personal statement, choosing your references and preparing for interviews.

  1. Browse the courses we have available and check the entry requirements.  You can also search for available courses by visiting DfE find.
  2. Once you have decided upon a post-graduate ITT course, Apply on the government website. You can find our unique course codes on our primary and secondary course pages.
  3. Track the progress of your application, see your interview date and check the outcome. Once we have received your application, we will aim to respond to you within two days.



Initial Teacher Training trainees have gained Qualified Teacher Status through Tykes TA over the last 3 years. We have a 100% pass rate!


Early Careers Teachers have successfully passed their Induction with the support of Tykes TA over the last 3 years. We have a 100% pass rate!


Barnsley Schools have connected with Tykes TA over the last 3 years to access services such as evidenced based CPD and/or bespoke School to School Support.


Schools across the wider region have utilised the services of Tykes TA over the last 3 years.

Together, Barnsley schools become part of something more.

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